Thursday, December 26, 2019

History of Sugar Free Essay Example, 2250 words

This distinction in consumption between various parts of the world can be attributed to both the wealth differences as well as the easy accessibility of sugar. The recent increased health awareness in the industrialized Western world and raised concerns regarding the impacts of sugar on well being as well as the availability of sugar alternatives like low-calorie, high intensity sweeteners and corn syrup high in fructose have not only stabilized sugar consumption but in many regions these factors have resulted in a decline in its demand. Therefore, the expansion of sugar industry thus can be linked to the consumption in poorer nations in accordance with the richer nations’ pattern. Besides, sugar needs to beat the modern low calorie artificial sweeteners to keep its industry running. 1 Sugar Source The sugar being utilized today is derived from two distinct plants i. e., sugar beets and sugar cane. There exists no clear difference amongst the sugar extracted from either of these sources although the cultivation and sugar extraction procedures are different from each. Sugar cane is a fragile plant that springs up only in tropical regions, whilst sugar beets are sturdier crop that develop in the temperate regions of North America and Europe. Chemically sugar is categorized as a carbohydrate with name â€Å"sucrose† that occurs in plants naturally. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Sugar or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now As its concentration is most rich in sugar beet and sugarcane, these sources are utilized in its commercial preparation. Completely refined sugar regardless of its source is pure sucrose and therefore has its distinct sweet taste but in spite of the same end product yielded from two distinct sources, the sugar beet and sugarcane industries differ significantly in the procedures adopted for organization and production and each industry has its own typical geography and history. History of Sugar Many centuries ago, the New Guinea people used to harvest wild sugar cane and then suck and chew it for gaining energy. Ancient merchants from Southeast Pacific islands traveled via sea from one island to another and to the dry land of eastern Africa and Asia to merchandize metal tools, animals and food and this trade helped in the spreading of sugar cane. The history of sugar is very interesting as it entails various economic and social aspects as it spread from one region to another. In the European colonies and particularly England, power structures turned it as a luxury commodity which was eventually changed into a necessity and motivated a revolution in lifestyle and diet, especially amongst the working class throughout the Industrial Revolution and the enforcement of capitalism.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Vulgar Photo Shoot Of Miley Cyrus For Trans People

The vulgar photo-shoot of Miley Cyrus for Trans People It is a fact that nowadays the media industry has contributed incredibly to promote the ideas of today s society. Even more has contributed to the effort to eliminate the taboo most of them sexual orientation issues or homophobic issues through various campaigns. A very common combination for projecting an issue through the media and with great appeal in the audience is the promotion and topic view from famous celebrities that they have huge resonance to young people. It is also well known that the projection of a subject in a provocative way has more impact because everything that causes shock to the audience discussed more, and therefore the impact will be greater. The question is whether it is exploitable the content of the topic that is pretending that is promoted and defend, as many celebrities do periodically like the following celebrity which will be discussed below. How many times we see celebrity figures of biz show to promote or participate in a campaign, which is delivere d with nude photo-shoots that advocate homosexuality issues? Are we sure that the fact that they want to pass to the audience will not be presented incorrectly? The following issue that is going to be analyzed is a recent photo-shoot of the famous singer and songwriter Miley Cyrus that after all the extreme public appearances in the social media or in public areas and extreme and almost inappropriate photos shots decides to a photo-shoot

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

International Relations for Globalisation-

Question: Discuss about theInternational Relations for Globalisationand Environment. Answer: The essay deals with the contribution of green international theory in the understanding of contemporary world politics. The efforts made to address the global issues concerning the environment are stated in the essay. Gilpin (2016) stated that environmental problems were never the focal point of business or political world. This is mainly because of the fact that the idea of a sustainable development did not take occur in the minds of the people. However, over the years, maintaining the environmental issues has become the main objective of the people. In this regard, certain summits like the UN Summit or the Copenhagen treaty of 2000 have emerged as the political backbone for addressing these issues. The emergence of green international relations has emerged as one of the branches of international relations that require focus from the politicians. The continuous emergence of global warming has resulted in the emergence of strategically making a green international relation to be fol lowed in the world (Baylis, Owens and Smith, 2017). The essay discusses the emergence of green international relations and the impact it has on the existing global environment. The ways to address global politics and international issues have been discussed in the essay. The emergence of green international relations theory resulted from emergence of the concept of liberal institutionalism. The two major theories that can be related to the concept include realism and liberalism (Jackson and Srensen, 2015). Realism stated the fact that countries aim to increase self-power by dominating other countries that are inferior to them. On the other hand, liberalism states that the mutual ties that exist between the countries have reduced the interests of the nations resulting in the decrease interest between two countries. For example, with the advent of liberalism there may be political tensions in terms of signing peace treaty between two neighbouring countries. Green international theory emerges from the relationship between globalisation and environment. As stated by Kublkov (2015) the advent of globalisation has resulted in the increase of mutual relationships between countries. As a result, the signing of treaties have emerged that contributed to the gr owth of green international theories. Various summits such as the United Nations Summit have made considerable efforts to promote green international theory in the world. By the end of the twentieth century, environmental degradation became a major cause of concern for the people. The political influence can help in bringing about changes in the environment and ensure that the global sustainability factor is well maintained. These issues require strategic planning as the factors that lead to the cause of degradation of the environment are usually complex, variable and have intractable characteristic (Adler, 2013). According to Fierke and Jorgensen (2015), people started to question the causes that lead to the decay of the environmental and the possible solutions that can be put to effect in order to prevent these causes. For this, the Government of various countries issued petitions regarding the environmental policies of the regions. Predictions made by scholars warned about global catastrophe unless the rapid decay to the environment can be ceased. Fawcett (2016) observed that the petition for green environment caused a major concern for most people pursuing humanities and social science as a course of study. In this regard, the emergence of the concept has drawn the focus of the politicians and has contributed in bringing about changes in the environment of the regions. The setting up of summits and treaties have been a major step for the people that have emerged as the starting steps towards maintaining green international relations. However, only after the 1980s, the voice for green inter national movement emerged that provided the loudest voice for creating the movement. These movements also formulated the emergence of parties that instigated the importance of greenery in the international aspects. According to Knutsen (2016), the relationship between environmental justice and environmental democracy came at two waves for most regions. The first wave highlighted the ecological irrationality that took place because of excess pollution. This emerged in the form of states and markets making green theories that highlighted the emergence of grassroots democracy and ecologically sustainable communities. Both these theories act as an alternative to one another in order to maintain the ecological balance that is required in the regions. However, Hill, Smith and Vanhoonacker (2017) observed that the second wave had focused more on the thinking of the political concepts that can be emerged from the use of the green theory. The emergence of the green theory has resulted in the emergence of debates within the international relations of a company. The emergence of environmental injustice is stated as the powerful nations imposing superiority over the less powerful regions of the world (Boot h and Erskine, 2016). For example, often it is seen that most countries dump wastes or conduct nuclear experiments in the southern part of the world. This results in the imbalance in the environment thereby causing climate changes in the world. Hence, the thoughts of dominating countries over the non-dominating countries have emerged as a concept to deal with for the managers. Environmental justice can be formed with the emergence of moral communities that pay heed to the factors that are affected by the environmental decay. This may include living beings as well the natural environment that surrounds the globe. Decisions made by the community and the participation of citizens that show growing concern for the environment is an asset for bringing about environmental justice in the world (Burchill et al. 2013). A precautionary approach needs to be taken to ensure the risk is minimised. In this regard, the concept of ecological modernisation can be explained in clear terms. The continuous improvement in the economic composition, environmental regulation and technology can help in degrading the decay to the economy. The strength of the domestic regulation can act as a motivator to enhance the ecological growth of a region. In this regard, the decay to an environment can also prevent the rapid fluctuations in the climate. The emergence of green political theor ies and the green political environment has resulted in the emergence of innovative technologies that affect the growth of environmental stability in the region. Hence, the green international relation theory can be broadly analysed keeping in mind the emergence of the theory. The influence of world politics can also be highlighted as the main contributor to the development of sustainable business. Roach, Griffiths and O'Callaghan (2014), the green theory related to international relation shares certain topics that can be critical in terms of understanding the concept. The green theorists bring about voices about certain factors that affect the working of the industry. The concerns include issues raised by Governments, green consumers, and ecological scientists and so on. The common theme of the concern is the transforming pattern of global trade that can help to promote sustainable development in the region and in the world. Weber (2013) stated that green sustainability can be subdivided into two wings namely the IPE wing and the green cosmopolitan wing. These two subdivisions work together in order to analyse the ecological problem and articulate new laws related to the protection of economy in the region. The new concept of international relation has approached the problem of the environment as a new concern for the people. The political, as well as the wings of internationa l relations, have challenged the existence of the approaches made by the nationalists. The challenges that have come into existence include the frequent climate changes. Evidence can be provided about the effects of climatic change in the lives of the people. The effect of climatic change can be dated back from the 1750s until the end of the Second World War. This is mainly because of the fact that the wars between nations had created massive disturbance in the climate and environmental factors of the world. It has been noted by scientists that the continuous exposure to smog and harmful pollutants can cause degradation to the environment and extinction of the species. In order to contain this, the First Assessment passed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1990 proposed to achieve a stabilisation to the greenhouse gas concentration. Despite major changes in the political sphere, such as the signing of the Kyoto treaty, seeking cooperation from the United States and the election of President Barrack Obama, nations have failed to come to a point where climate change can be tackled in the world. According to O'neill (2017), the united effort of the members of every country needs to come into effect in order to promote climat e change in the world. In 2000, the signing of the Copenhagen treaty paves way for an effort to control the fluctuation in climate. The initiative taken in order to reduce global warming by a minimum of 2 degrees proved to be an effective and cost-friendly step towards the development of green international relations. Hence, this is a big step towards maintaining international relations among the countries and contributes to the effective method by which international relations can be maintained. It defines the working of the international relations and explains the system in a broader manner. Recently the UN Summit regarding climate change in 2015, shed light on the ways by which climate change can be controlled. The agreement proposed to set a limitation to reduce the impact of climate change by 2 degree Celsius. Within the years 2030 to 2050, zero emission can be seen as a prospect of addressing the issues that exist in the environment. This had a significant impact on world poli tics as most countries volunteered to undertake the notion set up in the conference. The international climate development has been made significant progress towards maintaining climatic changes in the regions. This can be attributed as a major global issue. The growth of carbon markets internationally has helped national as well as international level people to monitor the changes taking place in the climate. However, Sunkel and Inotai (2016)stated that most of the state Government has faced opposition about the significant growth of the carbon market. This is mainly because of the unstable nature of carbon extraction that can lead to the imposition of a tax. This can come as significant costs for those countries that are economically backward. The fact that the climatic change creates massive issues is an enormous problem that most Government in the world faces. The response that the politicians and Government received from the people despite the issues has created a massive diversity among the people (Koutrakos, 2015). The concept of green international relations has brought about hope in the mind of the people about the sustainability and development of the environment. The green international relation has offered alternate analysis of the political problem that arises in the world. The new theories proposed by the green international relations have brought about significant changes in world politics, as politicians round the world have contributed in assisting the promoting green international relation and prevent the degradation of environment. According to Dunne, Kurki and Smith (2013), the green international relation theorists give importance to the role played by justice in the analysis of the environment, most scholars are of the opinion that modernisation can be cost-effective and can bring about financial instability in some countries. Particular emphasis is given to the relationship that is formed between knowledge and power. The main concern is to improve the communication practices that exist between the domestic and international climate policymakers. The debate between the emission of carbon and fuel extraction on the effects on the atmosphere can bring the about opposed action in the mind of the people. The global warming challenge can be framed by alternate policy prescriptions to provide fair and lasting solutions for the Government. Goldstein and Pevehouse (2014) stated that one of the popular models for measuring the impact of climate change is the contraction and convergence model developed by researchers in London. The theory states that a major contraction by the richer countries along with the convergence of the other countries can provide the atmosphere with the ability to absorb harmful emissions. The model proposed to provide developing countries with the space to expand as well as facilitate resources that can help in building the capacity of the country. In the light of this statement, it can be concluded that green international relation forms the backbone of the increasing demand for sustainability in the world. The increase of political powers in the countries and in the industries has created a strong voice for the development of sustainable business across the regions. The fact that alternate solutions can be provided with the help of green international relation indicates the effectiveness of the situation. The united effort of the green political economists and the green normative theorists bring about environmental justice to the regions of business. The position adopted by the green economists tends to remain pre-occupied with the resulting change that exists in the environment. The disagreement exists in the use of carbon markets for restoring sustainability in the economy. While most countries have accepted the proposal made in the Copenhagen treaty of 2000, some countries have differed from signing the treaty due to the f inancial condition of the regions. Thus, the green international relation can help in bringing about the required development in terms of protecting the environment. The recent development in the UN Summit has also been effective in addressing the climatic issues brought about in the regions. Thus, it can be said that the influence of political power have gradually grown to dominate the emergence of green international relations. Reference Adler, E., 2013. Constructivism in international relations: sources, contributions, and debates.Handbook of international relations,2, pp.112-144. Baylis, J., Owens, P. and Smith, S. eds., 2017.The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press. Booth, K. and Erskine, T. eds., 2016.International relations theory today. John Wiley Sons. Burchill, S., Linklater, A., Devetak, R., Donnelly, J., Nardin, T., Paterson, M., Reus-Smit, C. and True, J., 2013.Theories of international relations. Palgrave Macmillan. Dunne, T., Kurki, M. and Smith, S. eds., 2013.International Relations Theories. Oxford University Press. Fawcett, L., 2016.International relations of the Middle East. Oxford University Press. Fierke, K.M. and Jorgensen, K.E., 2015.Constructing International Relations: the next generation. Routledge. Gilpin, R., 2016.The political economy of international relations. Princeton University Press. Goldstein, J.S. and Pevehouse, J.C., 2014. International relations.American University, Washington, DC. p55-57. Hill, C., Smith, M. and Vanhoonacker, S., 2017.International relations and the European Union. Oxford University Press. Jackson, R. and Srensen, G., 2015.Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches. Oxford university press. Knutsen, T.L., 2016.A history of international relations theory. Oxford University Press. Koutrakos, P., 2015.EU international relations law. Bloomsbury Publishing. Kublkov, V., 2015.International relations in a constructed world. Routledge. O'neill, K., 2017.The environment and international relations. Cambridge University Press. Roach, S.C., Griffiths, M. and O'Callaghan, T., 2014.International relations: the key concepts. Routledge. Sunkel, O. and Inotai, A., 2016.Globalism and the new regionalism(Vol. 1). Springer. Weber, C., 2013.International relations theory: a critical introduction. Routledge.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What Voice at Moth

What Voice at Moth-Hour Essay What Voice at Moth-Hour is a poem written in first person narrator by Robert Penn Warren, a poem which consists of five four-line stanzas, in which he is principally concerned to explore the origin and nature of a voice, constantly calling him back at moth-hour when he finds himself situated in different locations surrounded by nature. Through the first part of the poem, Warren uses a series of repeated questions asking himself What voice at moth-hour did I hear, whilst working towards an answer to which he will discover later at the end. Besides, he also makes use of enjambment, rhymes and figurative languages to back up and emphasise certain ideas and themes that he will put forward in the poem. We will write a custom essay on What Voice at Moth-Hour specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The poem is structured into two parts; the first is when he asks questions about the voice he once heard and trying to remember what it was, whilst the second, which consists of the last two stanzas, is when he remembers the simple trick to hear the voice again and gives the answer to the previous questions. The poem opens by introducing directly the question carried by the title: What voice at moth-hour did I hear calling. This gives a direct and explicit entry to the poem, allowing the readers to have a clear understanding of what he is looking for, and bringing more emphasis and attention to the title, as the question mirrors it at the start of the poem. This is the very same question that will be repeatedly set at the start of the first three stanzas. These continuous questions can, at a certain extent, reveal the poets confusion and, at the same time, enhance his longing for an answer. However, it is as if he is questioning himself rather than looking for someone that could possibly help him, he is therefore submerged into a process of deep self-reflection. Moreover, the function of these questions in the poem, other than exposing poets confusion in the eyes of the readers, has the purpose of arousing curiosity and interest in people as the incessant questions build up suspense throughout the poem. This keeps the readers concerned and at the same time, makes the readers feel involved, creating a link between the poet and the readers, as if they too, are searching for the very same answer. As the poem progresses, the speaker finds himself situated at different places in nature: in an orchard, by the stream and in the woods. The tone that Warren uses is quite calm, filled with a bit of melancholy with the use of diction, choosing specific words such as falling and last light which convey a sense of ending, when everything finishes and fades away. This contributes to the meaning of the whole poem as with these particular words Warren puts forward a sense of lateness, the time when something is about to end, suggesting that moth-hour is the approach of evening, the dusk, and it is at that specific moment that he can finally hear the voice. To a certain point, the speaker remembers and knows how to hear it again by a simple trick which is in fact a very simple thing: close my eyes. Closing the eyes is a way to focus and concentrate, leaving everything else in the outside world away from you, so that Warren can be peaceful and in complete silence in his own dimension. Only then can he finally hear the voice: Its late! Come home. It could be argued that this voice can be interpreted in two different ways; one is that he hears someone calling, while the other possibility is that there is a voice inside his head locked inside his memories. Therefore, closing eyes is a way to close one of the persons six senses and to focus on the other ones, such as on hearing, since the capability and sensitivity of the ears increases when a person can no longer see and has to rely on other weaker senses, and thus be able to hear faint sounds that you could hardly hear when distracted by the various things surrounding you. .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 , .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .postImageUrl , .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 , .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3:hover , .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3:visited , .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3:active { border:0!important; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3:active , .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3 .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucb39e496a57c5fb6c1bf14d08e8ac4b3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Chinese Poem translated by Ezra Pounds EssayHowever, closing eyes is also a way to stay calm and have control on your state of mind, allowing you to go back in time with memories whilst staying in absolute stillness. This is when he recalls the old times when he was a child and every time that he stayed out late, perhaps playing in the garden or in a park, he would have been called back from his mother, from the very same voice Its late! Come home. This could show his nostalgia for his childhood or possibly missing a person who has a close relationship with him, such as his mother that cares for him and reminds him to go home at the end of the day, when everything seems to be ending, falling apart, there is always a place that he could go: home. Moreover, the poem follows a regular A-B-A-B rhyme scheme throughout, which has the effect of making the poem musical and pleasing to ear and which also contributes to the whole idea that Warren wants to convey to the readers, that the questions about the voice keep arising constantly in the poets head and that he is continuously perturbed by it. The rhythm changes with the progression of the poem. The poem begins with a relatively fast rhythm with the use of long verses when describing the orchard; in fact, Warren makes use of enjambment since there was no punctuation in between the first, second and third verse, which as a result, gave no resting time for the readers to take their breath while reading, speeding up the rhythm, and therefore creating a whole picture of the image the speaker remembers seeing, without being interrupted by any punctuations. This allows him to better portray the image of the orchard, giving the readers a stronger impression of the garden and thus a stronger impression of the nature surrounding him. However, the rhythm, slows down when getting close to the answer as the verses get interrupted by many commas, giving a sense of ending. This has also the effect of emphasising each word towards the end, as when the rhythm slows down, the impact and significance of the word increases because readers will read words slowly, one by one, without rushing, taking deeply and absorbing more the meaning of the words and the use of diction by the poet. In fact, this gives the ending: Its late! Come home a much stronger impact on readers as they will focus more on these words, also because it is the answer to all the repetitive questions set earlier in the poem. Furthermore, these words are written in italics, giving further emphasis to them, giving the impression that its a voice echoing in the back of his memories that emerges in his mind, calling him and reminding him that it is late, time to go home. On the whole, the poem is very descriptive, describing the nature surrounding him at different places as nature is the main guide line throughout the poem. Moreover, the poem is very successful in getting hold of readers curiosity and interest through the use of the speakers effective questioning at the beginning of the poem and the slowing rhythm which adds an atmosphere of composure and peace, which are the two elements that nature usually conveys us, and therefore he uses the rhythm to further enhance the point. Besides, the voice that Warren hears in the end Its late! Come home has also an universal meaning, in other words, it is also a message for everybody, for people that are outside working, a reminder for them to remember and not to forget that they have a family and a home, where they can find peace and comfort when its getting darker, when the day vanishes and when they need support, they can return home.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Prohibiton Movement essays

The Prohibiton Movement essays The article that I have chosen to review discusses and explains the entire prohibition movement of the 1920s. It explains that the temperance movements were began when there was an idea that the consumption of alcohol was hazardous to peoples virtue. The early efforts of people to ban alcohol were only partially effective. They were able to help 23 of the 48 states at the time to adopt antisaloon laws, which closed saloons and prohibited the manufacture of any alcoholic beverage in the state. These events all led up to the growth of the idea of a national prohibition law. By 1919, the dry members (prohibition supporters) outnumbered the wet members (against prohibition) by more than two to one. Due to this, on Dec. 22, 1917, Congress submitted the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. By January 1919 ratification was complete, and the 18th Amendment was in place. It officially banned the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors. By the time the law was in place it had a large following of support both popularly and in Congress. Congress passed the National Prohibition Act in order to enforce the 18th Amendment. It defined what an intoxicating liquor was, and also made concessions for certain personal uses of lighter liquors. However, Congress was never really willing to give much money towards enforcing the movement, and people blatantly disregarded the unstable law. Because of the inability for the law to uphold itself it remained more of an ideal than an actuality. Almost as soon as prohibition had set in, it was challenged by many groups of people. Some claimed that it led to a social disorder and decay which was exemplified by the raids, seizures, and searchings of the police. People claimed that this style of law enforcement was an encroachment upon the private lives of civilians. Some of ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Chemical Reaction - Chemistry Definition

Chemical Reaction - Chemistry Definition A chemical reaction is a chemical change which forms new substances. A chemical reaction may be represented by a chemical equation, which indicates the number and type of each atom, as well as their organization into molecules or ions. A chemical equation uses the element symbols as shorthand notation for the elements, with arrows to indicate the direction of the reaction. A conventional reaction is written with reactants on the left side of the equation and products on the right side. The state of matter of the substances may be indicated in parenthesis (s for solid, l for liquid, g for gas, aq for aqueous solution). The reaction arrow may go from left to right or there may be a double arrow, indicating reactants turn to products and some product undergoes the reverse reaction to reform reactants. While chemical reactions involves atoms, typically only the electrons are involved in the breaking and formation of chemical bonds. Processes involving the atomic nucleus are called nuclear reactions. The substances that participate in a chemical reaction are called reactants. The substances that are formed are called products. The products have different properties from the reactants. Also Known As: reaction, chemical change Chemical Reaction Examples The chemical reaction H2(g)  ½ O2(g) → H2O(l) describes the formation of water from its elements. The reaction between iron and sulfur to form iron(II) sulfide is another chemical reaction, represented by the chemical equation: 8 Fe S8 → 8 FeS Types of Chemical Reactions There are countless reactions, but they can be grouped into four basic categories: Synthesis Reaction In a synthesis or combination reaction, two or more reactants combine to form a more complex product. The general form of the reaction is: A B → AB Decomposition Reaction A decomposition reaction is the reverse of a synthesis reaction. In a decomposition, a complex reactant breaks into simpler products. The general form of a decomposition reaction is: AB → A B Single Replacement Reaction In a single replacement or single displacement reaction, one uncombined element replaces another in a compound or trades places with it. The general form of a single replacement reaction is: A BC  Ã¢â€ â€™ AC B Double Replacement Reaction In a double replacement or double displacement reaction, the anions and cations of the reactants trade places with each other two form new compounds. The general form of a double replacement reaction is: AB CD  Ã¢â€ â€™ AD CB Because there are so many reactions, there are additional ways to categorize them, but these other classes will still fall into one of the four main groups. Examples of other classes of reactions include oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions, acid-base reactions, complexation reactions, and precipitation reactions. Factors That Affect Reaction Rate The rate or speed at which a chemical reaction occurs is affected by several factors, including: reactant concentrationsurface areatemperaturepressurepresence or absence of catalystspresence of light, especially ultraviolet lightactivation energy

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal narrative Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal narrative - Term Paper Example As most of the people (say, who face certain psychological problems) used to say, I would like to point out that my problem is different from others. I am from Los Angeles, California. My problem stemmed out from the understanding that I am a biracial child. My mother is black and my father is from Romania (say, Romanian race). My parents were ready to love me like their own child. But my sisters were so jealous and teased me a lot (maybe, because of my skin tone). As a child, I suffered the same and used to shrink myself to my personal life. But Jean Lau Chin opines that family (private domain) is a safe place for a biracial individual but society (public domain) is not (Chin, 2009, p. 60). The support from my parents and teacher helped me a lot to acquire self-confidence. But I was well aware of the fact that one must try hard to have an amiable and amicable personality. The evolution of purpose and meaning of my life begins with my habit of reading. For instance, the Linguistic ca tegories trait helped me to realize myself as an individual. But I believe that our DNA decides our character. Besides, one’s personality is molded by cultural characteristics and family circumstances. As pointed, the real problem was my hesitation to accept my real biracial identity. As a biracial child, there was less similarity among my sisters, brothers and me. This bothered me a lot and my character and behavior became more rebellious and problematic. Once, my father asked me about the real problem behind my odd behavior. Then I revealed the problem which I had been facing. Then, my father asked my mother about the problem I had been facing in our family. Both of them told me that my identity as a biracial child is not a problem. They further added that I can overcome the problem because they are ever ready to help me. This incident helped to gain confidence. At my school, I was forced to face a number of problems from my classmates and school